Mission: The Young Professionals Group of Branch County is dedicated to advancing the professional growth of local talent through comprehensive training, valuable networking opportunities, and engaging social events.

Objective: Our aim is to inspire and empower young professionals in Branch County to lead by example through innovation and positive change. As members, you'll join a dynamic cohort committed to cultivating leadership skills and actively participating in community initiatives.

Young Professionals Meeting Schedule:

January 8th - 5:30pm

February 12th - 5:30pm

March 12th - 5:30pm

April 9th - 5:30pm

May 14th - 5:30pm

June 11th - 5:30pm

July 9th - 5:30pm

August 13th - 5:30pm

September 10th - 5:30pm

October 8th - 5:30pm

November 12th - 5:30pm

December 10th - 5:30pm

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