Your business hyperlinked on Chamber's website; annual promotional
advertising in our newsletter and on our facebook page.
Your business hyperlinked on Chamber's website; annual promotional
advertising in our newsletter and on our facebook page; one e-blast to
over 1,500+ subscribers.
Upgrade your membership for even more benefits! Receive all Core Investment benefits PLUS:
Your business hyperlinked on Chamber's website; semi annual promotional advertising in our newsletter and on our facebook page; one e-blast to over 1,500+ subscribers.
Your business hyperlinked on Chamber's website; bimonthly promotional advertising in our newsletter and on our facebook page; your logo displayed at all Chamber events; your logo on our website; your logo included on our newsletter; three e-blast to over 1,500+ subscribers.
Your business hyperlinked on Chamber's website; monthly promotional
advertising in our newsletter and on our facebook page; your logo displayed at all Chamber events; your logo placed on Chamber's executive letterhead; your logo on our website; your logo included on our newsletter; four e-blast to over 1,500+ subscribers.
Member Benefit: All members receive reduce cost access to mostly all Chamber trainings, workshops, & networking events. The Coldwater Chamber also does "Exclusive Members Only Events" as well!
Member Benefit: Any member wishing to use the Chamber's Board Room is more than welcome to do so as long as the preferred date of the Board Room is not already in use.
Member Benefit: Whether it is our monthly business article in the Coldwater Daily Reporter, our Member Spotlight of the Week Recognition, or if it is our bi-weekly Chamber Chat program with WTVB there are many different ways for you to get the word out there about your business!
Member Benefit: The Chamber is typically the most trusted source for local information. It offers a public-facing network that offers valuable, qualified traffic for everything local and member businesses are included in this network.
Member Benefit: Any young professional is encouraged to join this Young Professionals of Branch County Group. Any young professional can attend the social networking meetings held bimonthly. However, any Young Professional Group member wishing to engage in the bimonthly professional development trainings/workshops must be a member or be employed by a member in good standing of the Coldwater, Bronson, or Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce. A Young Professional Group member, if applicable, have the formal endorsement and support of his/her employer or supervisor. Young Professionals meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month
Member Benefit: The Chamber's web directory is easily accessible from both mobile and stationary devices. This directory allows individuals to get more information on member businesses as well as to email direct or visit each members website directly through one click on the directory page.
Member Benefit: Easily add your events to the regional community calendar.
Member Benefit: Centralize your coupon creation, scheduling, and publishing from a single location. Share coupons through many channels from one system.